General Rules

No, you cannot be an Admin or Moderator.
Quit asking. We decide when to promote a user based on how mature, trusted, respectable, and generally applicable you are.

Listen to the staff.
They're here to keep you from having fun.

Don't spam.
Spamming is the act of posting repeated and often useless messages. If you're new, you will be seen as a "spam attacker", and will be promptly permanently banned. Otherwise, you will be banned for 10 minutes, and that time will increment exponentially every time you continue.

Don't be a pedophile.
Since there are children on this site, if anything sexual happens with any of them, you will be permanently banned and reported to your local authorities if necessary. We obviously do not tolerate pedophilia, and have a responsibility to protect our members from harm as best we can.

Don't give away personal information.
We don't want this site on the news as a gateway to child abduction.

Don't be purposefully rude to new users
Whether it's an attempt to scare them away from this site, or you're just being an edgy retard, just don't.

No inappropriate content.
A sizable amount of the community's users are underage. Posting links to a porn site or posting porn images will get you instantly permanently banned upon second offense.

Don't hack.
This should be obvious. If you find a bug/glitch/security hole, report it. You will be rewarded depending on the severity of the bug/glitch/security hole.

Status Rules

Do not post:

- Emoji only statuses
- 1 word statuses
- Statuses with large , unspoilered images.
- "PM me" statuses
- "Ask me" statuses
- "brb!!!" statuses
- "Friend me" statuses
- LMS statuses.
- "I'm bored" statuses
- "Invite me to chat" or "Who wants to join my chat" statuses
- "I blocked [username]" or "[username] blocked me" statuses unless made jokingly

Don't use a status to reply to another.
Use the comments.

Use the edit feature.
If you want to add onto one of your statuses, you can just edit it. If the "edit timer" has run out, use the comments.

Mail Rules

Respect other users.
Don't actively attack other people over mail.

Don't abuse reports.
If someone is just annoying you, block them.
Only report if someone broke a rule, for example: sexual harrassment.

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