Terms of Service

Terms of Service

A new community.

I. By using SocialNeko, you abide by all rules and are under the discretion of the moderators and administrators. You also agree to the Terms of Service provided here.

II. Rules for SocialNeko include
(but are not limited to):

*No spamming
*No flooding
*No running
*No unnecessary drama
*No offensive images or language
*No impersonation of other users
*No bullying, harassing, or being overly mean to another user
*No dating other users publicly or privately
*No disrespecting an admin or moderator
*No sexuality posts
*No religion posts

III. Also note that SocialNeko does not affiliate itself with Nintendo, Google, Apple, Opera, MEGAPICO, or any other other companies that provide products that assist in the usage and/or creation of SocialNeko and its services.

IV. Failure to comply with stated rules may result in a ban from the website for a period of time determined by a moderator or administrator in accordance with the severity of the broken rule(s).

V. The administrators of SocialNeko reserve the right to change this page (and any others) at any time. It is under the burden of the user to check the Terms of Service frequently for changes. Even if the user does not see the changes on this page, the user is still accountable for any and all rules provided on this page for as long as the user continues his/her usage of SocialNeko.

VI. Copyrights of images and/or scripts not directly hosted by SocialNeko are in compliance with the copyrights the original owner has put in place for said images/scripts. In addition, the scripts, images, and the website itself are protected by SocialNeko in accordance with US Copyright Unregistered Circular 66. The unauthorized usage or stealing of the materials of SocialNeko may result in criminal prosecution should the administrators of SocialNeko see fit. Criminal prosecution may also be applicable should the user attempt to access and/or modify restricted files and/or restricted user data without authorization.

VII. SocialNeko keeps the right to remove a post or any content posted to SocialNeko for any reason whatsoever and the right to discontinue SocialNeko, or your use of SocialNeko, at any time or for any reason.

VIII. Members are responsible for their own content and SocialNeko does not protect the user from any criminal content the user chooses to post and all charges will be against that user and that user alone.

IX. Although SocialNeko attempts to hold the user's privacy and information to the utmost security, SocialNeko is not accountable for any information released by other users.

X. The administrators of socialneko.org reserve the right to read any messages or search through the messages of any user at any given time, in order to protect the users of SocialNeko from potential online dangers and/or review users who are suspected of breaking rules.

XI. Usage of SocialNeko implies the burden on the user for all regulations set in place by these Terms of Service. The user also agrees that failure to comply with any of the above stated rules or this code may result in any punishment from the range of a temporary ban to criminal prosecution and agrees to value all judgement of the moderators and administrators.

written by umer936