Other by nayib

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nayib (View Blogs)
7 months ago, 14 Views
Category: Other
(Last edited by: nayib, 7 months ago)
Through all the spite, through all the joy, I have stuck to it always.
Even such a long time after the fact, I still think back on it.
Even when I know I'm in a better place now, I still think about it.
Maybe I'm just imagining what could've been, projecting what I can.
No one would take it this seriously, but it's hard to let go.
In the end, I'll always keep leaving again and again, that's just how I am.
But I'll also return every now and then, seeing if everything is okay.
Ultimately, that is my nature, that is what I do.
I don't think there was any other way, or anything else that could've happened.
So for now, I'll just be myself, and do what I want, and not think about anything.
It's fine if no one cares, that's actually preferable.
I'd really rather not care, either.

Sometimes you just need to keep refreshing, keep renewing, keep at it again and again. A fresh skin, a new you.
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7 months ago
That was... beautiful in a way.
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