Hot Topic Yap by ClodDiamond

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Hot Topic Yap

ClodDiamond (View Blogs)
2 months ago, 7 Views
Category: Other
I have poor grammar and no clue where I'm going with this. I just wanted to share something that made me feel happy. I'm just yappin ?

I was at the mall today with my dad, cousin, and my sister. I didn't really buy anything for myself, but i did spend like 93 bucks on stuff for my sister. Not my first time spending mad money at Hot Topic for my sister. Recently all I've bought there was just for her. Hot Topic doesnt really have stuff I like anymore. Guess I outgrew it...

Hot Topic is like a magical place for my 12 year old sister and that was the exact same way for me when I was her age. I remember the day when I went to Hot Topic the day before my 12th birthday. It changed me.

I was a huuuuuuuge weeb. I was into Hetalia and I would watch hella anime. Back then I thought all the nerdy cringy stuff was cool! I thought watching a lot of anime and reading manga was considered cool. I also thought DC comics and Harry Potter were also cool. For those reasons, Hot Topic was like an "otaku" paradise. (Unfortunately when I was 12, I thiught being an otaku was cool. I probably didnt even understand that word right!!!!)

Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't think I bought a lot that day, but we got a huge bag and I guess I remembered buying a lot more. What I remembered buying was this Ciel/Sebastian reversible hoodie, three lace tattoo chokers with hearts that say corny alt girl stuff, a Harley Quinn "Puddin" collar, and these Gryffindor pajama pants that I still wear even though they are deteriorating. That place was magical to me, I would find merch for stuff I liked and I'd wear it out hoping I'd make friends who liked the same stuff.

I only started going more frequently at around 16 when I was able to go out with my friends and I was super into My Chemical Romance and I was emo going on trad goth.

It brings us to today where i'd be spending my life savings at that store cause of my silly little sister. I turned her into a mini me!! She now likes so much stuff that I like, but also other stuff in which I am not familiar with. Even though I can't seem to find stuff that I would like wearing, I still get super excited when I find something cute for my sister.

I'm glad I get to be her older sister. I always wanted a friend with the same interests as me and an older sister who could hang out with me and show me fun places. I'm happy that I get to be like that for her.
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