why halloween ends fucking suc by anelikkaaron

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why halloween ends fucking suc

anelikkaaron (View Blogs)
3 months ago, 11 Views
Category: Movies
the main character corey. corey was SO fucking useless. this mf got more lore then fucking michael in this movie and all for his bitch ass to die in the end. and that is what he gets for stealing michael's mask and fighting him AND FUCKING WINNING??? MICHAEL WAS GENUINELY TEAKING IN THIS STUPID MOVIE ISTG!!!! I KNOW HE'S LIKE REALLY OLD BUT HE'S MICHAEL MYERS THIS MF GOT SHOT, SLASHED, BURNED, AND GOD KNOWS WHAT MICHAEL'S FUCKED UP BUT STILL STANDING!! ANOTHER THING WAS HE WAS GONNA KILL COREY BUT SAW SOMETHING IN HIS EYES AND IT WAS SO STRONG AND RELATABLE TO MICHAEL HE DIDN'T FUCKING KILL THIS STRANGER WHO STUMBLED APON HIS SEWER AFTER GETTING BEATEN UP BY SOME FUCKING BAND KIDS IN HIGH SCHOOL????? character screen time. laurie and michael go way back till the first movie and only got like 35 minutes of fighting at the end. y'know how much corey and his love interest (laurie's granddaughter) gets? ALMOST THE WHOLE MOVIE!!! IT'S LIKE I'M NOT EVEN WATCHING A HALLOWEEN MOVIE I'M WATCHING SOME STUPID ASS NETFLIX SERIES I'M BEING FORCED TO WATCH BECAUSE OF A HOT CHARACTER IN IT.

in conclusion, this movie is ass and i had more fun watching those halloween movies with michael's niece, jamie.
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