Oh, My love. by Bambyloo

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Oh, My love.

Bambyloo (View Blogs)
9 months ago, 19 Views
Category: Uncategorized
In twilight's grasp, love weaves its rueful tale,
A symphony of echoes, a melancholy wail.
Whispers of passion, now shadows in the night,
Fading embers of joy, lost in love's twilight.
Promises linger like mist on a broken shore,
Heartbeats syncopated, dance of forever no more.
Silent tears trace the contours of goodbye,
Love's elegy written under a desolate sky.
Beneath the weeping willow's sigh,
Love's lament, a tear-stained sky.
Faded echoes of laughter, now hollow,
In the ruins of dreams, sorrow to swallow.
Fractured verses, a love once profound,
Now echoes of silence, a desolate sound.
Memories etched on a sepulchral shore,
Love's requiem whispers, forevermore.
For I cherish you, May the pain be nevermore, Mon cheri.
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