Random venting idk by Bambyloo

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Random venting idk

Bambyloo (View Blogs)
9 months ago, 21 Views
Category: Rants
For some reason my heart sank reading that text, 2:12 AM. ‘Goodbye, Lattie.’ I cant fucking be missing her after what she did, she doxxed me and hurt me, what the fuck? She constantly su1cide baited and i was her victim, she didnt unadd me though. both accounts are still added. I hate it, Im still waiting like a dog, i know she used me for s3x and affection but god damn it, i hate how i miss her. Not in a love way, i just miss her presence. Its so funny because the song Christmas Kids by ROAR is literally us. She wouldnt let me leave at all, i kinda miss the ‘good morning lattie!’ ‘Goodnight lats’ but its whatever, i guess all good things must come to an end, but whatever. She turned so toxic after my friend was involved, she cheated on me with 3 people. I still read the texts til this day. It sickens what she said of me. Then the way she tried so hard just to keep me the night i confronted her, ‘LATTIE PLEASE, I LOVE YOU.’ i dont know why, but i stayed. i guess the feeling of being loved felt nice after being alone for awhile. But then she said i was just like my mom, ‘a toxic, alcoholic smoker of an asshole.’ which honestly broke my heart, shes heard her and witnessed what shes done before. Im happy and in love with who i have now, im really grateful for them, and im also happy that shes moved on. Shes so mean now, I hate what he did to her. And i just fucking realized she doxxed her one ex in front of me, which now im worried of happening to me because she has everything about me..even my dads information.
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War Hero
9 months ago
I’ll just play a round of phighting to cheer me up, banhammer being my comfort character.
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