more rmabling bcs im genuinely by Bambyloo

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more rmabling bcs im genuinely

Bambyloo (View Blogs)
8 months ago, 15 Views
Category: Uncategorized
I seriously hate people, i hate my mom, my algebraic teacher, my ex, my old friends, alot of people man. ‘youll figure it out!’ Like no, stfu. u never taught me this? u expect me to do this complicated ass shit without stress, ok. dont even get me started on my bitch ass mom. ‘just cope with it’ SHUT UR BITCH ASS UP U NEVER EVEN FUCKING CARED FOR ME? I HAD TO GROW UP FASTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE BECAUSE OF UR ALCOHOLIC ASS. I GENUINELY HATE U SO MUCH I DONT THINK I WOULD EVER FORGIVE U. i have my ex on my ass ‘get back w me!’ ‘leave them!’ ‘i love u!’ ‘Ur mine!’ ohmygod. ‘just block her’ it isnt that fucking easy man. she STALKS me. she has my phone number, My address, SOMEHOW MY DADS INFO?? she has all of my accounts except for this one, she makes alts and stalks my tiktok, i cant leave her alone cause she’d doxx me again, she wants me to cheat but istfg im NOT like that anymore. i dont even like her anymore. after she cheated with C, shits been different. i really hate everything and everyone. i hate myself too. i hate how i get angry so easily. i js wanted a mothers love, but no, i couldnt even get her to LOOK at me. nothings new anymore. i cant sleep at night, i stopped eating, im failing my classes, im losing too much weight, i swore i wouldnt let it get this bad again but it fucking happened. i dont think i can even make it through the year dude.
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