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Talking bout trivia shows

ClodDiamond - Graduate
Category: Rants
2 months ago

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2 Comments | 7 Views | Positive Rating (+2)

Hot Topic Yap

ClodDiamond - Graduate
Category: Other
2 months ago

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0 Comments | 7 Views | Positive Rating (+4)

why halloween ends fucking suc

anelikkaaron - Freshman
Category: Movies
3 months ago

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0 Comments | 11 Views | Positive Rating (+1)

how i would survive michael my

anelikkaaron - Freshman
Category: Movies
3 months ago

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11 Comments | 11 Views | No Rating

I like food

bobnkirby - Freshman
Category: Poetry
4 months ago

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5 Comments | 10 Views | Positive Rating (+1)


nayib - Intermediate
Category: Other
6 months ago

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2 Comments | 14 Views | Positive Rating (+2)

more rmabling bcs im genuinely

Bambyloo - War Hero
Category: Uncategorized
7 months ago

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2 Comments | 15 Views | No Rating

Random venting idk

Bambyloo - War Hero
Category: Rants
8 months ago

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2 Comments | 21 Views | Negative Rating (-3)

Oh, My love.

Bambyloo - War Hero
Category: Uncategorized
8 months ago

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2 Comments | 19 Views | Negative Rating (-1)

Marc rambles at 10:57 pm

Bambyloo - War Hero
Category: Rants
8 months ago

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0 Comments | 12 Views | Negative Rating (-3)

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